Insane supercars collections

   Last updated 24/05/2011   

Check here from time to time, I'm bound to update this page as the blog grows.

This Page is to showcase some of the most exclusive private garages in the world. Designed to blow your minds, these articles will give you some neat information on some world-renowned garages, very famous for their priced possessions. Indeed, just like us regular car enthusiasts, some people are crazy about cars. But a lucky few live their passion to the full extent : they can actually afford to buy AND collect the cars we can only but dream about. And in 1:1 size...

No matter where those private garages are hidden: Europe, Asia, Middle-East, Australia, USA... these supercars collections WILL leave you completely speechless and drooling. Mostly because they are either very large car collections, one-colored collections, one brand collection... or they simply have pretty much every insane supercar you could ever dream about.